Barbara Packales' Portfolio

Reflection on the use of Survey Monkey

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Module 1-3

Survey Monkey Evaluation
ECOMP 6009
Module 1-3 – Technology Exploration

I just began using Survey Monkey in May for teachers. I find it a fascinating way to receive responses anonymously. Teachers would not complete the handwritten comment forms after our All State Conference. I decided to try Survey Monkey after I had taken such a survey from the DOE. I like the ability to generate a compilation of responses and give feedback to the conference organizers and the board members.

The simplicity of this tool is wonderful. The pull down menus and the ability to choose from the (Examples) menu about peanut butter, made my mind begin to swim with possibilities for the classroom. All of the 7th and 8th graders in our middle school have a laptop. This could be used to have them take various assessments and peer score.

This tool also has the ability to export to different formats, including HTML, CVS and SQL. That makes it easy to provide statistical data to school boards, principals and the Department of Education. It is also a nice feature to know that it is free! The upgrade to the Professional version is still inexpensive if you need to utilize a larger number of responses and wish to use the download feature.

I could see using this software as a tool for even my youngest students to self assess. I do vocal recordings of each student in grades K – 2 every year. Students could open the survey and listen to their recording in iTunes. They would be able to then make choices based on what they heard of their own voice. I had never thought of using it this way!

This document is also available in Word.

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