Barbara Packales' Portfolio

Week 9

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Create a Performance Assessment

Title of Task


Grade Span: K-2                                                  Grade Level: K, 1 & 2


Discipline: Music                              Assessment Type: Performance Assessment

                                                           Purpose: Summative

Title of Unit(s): Vocal Performance Assessment

Maine Learning Results:

MLR - VPA Standard A1  - Students accurately perform short musical pieces, both instrumentally and vocally as part of a group while modeling proper posture and technique, alone and with others.


Assessment Summary:

Students will perform a pre-determined piece of music within a specified range of notes using correct musical skills a minimum of once each year in grades K, 1 & 2.


Student Performance Task: Sing one of the concert songs into the microphone. Sing all the right notes and words in your head voice while the class sings with you.


Materials and Resources:

-       CD recording of the song to be performed

-       CD player

-       Microphone and stand

-       CD or tape recorder or video camera and/or computer

-       Removable media such as a tape or writeable CD or DVD


Suggested Timeframe: 1 - 2 class periods


Suggestions for Prior Instruction:

-       Proper posture for singing

-       Understanding of head voice (singing in a lighter, supported voice)

-       Basic understanding of breath control and support

-       Previously learned concert songs


Extension (opportunity is built in to extend or demonstrate sophistication in order to reach a rubric score of four):

-       Student may sing a piece a cappella (without accompaniment)

-       Student sings accurately on pitch all of the time, in head voice and has mastery of all the words.

-       Student may choose to sing a song that uses a higher range of pitches.




Teacher Notes


ò    Students will need to be well prepared to sing a performance piece.

ò    Students should practice singing intervals that include the highest note of the selected piece.

ò    Choose a piece that requires some challenge to students in all areas.

ò    Make concessions for pieces that have a range higher than treble C (3rd space of treble staff).

ò    Assessment should take place immediately following the Spring Concert.

ò    Students need to understand what the concept of "head voice" is. (Provide quality examples and modeling.)

ò    Teacher should be well versed in the use of the CD recorder for efficient recording.

ò    Teacher should utilize a grade recording system that allows for comments.

ò    Teacher should provide immediate feedback to student following recording session.

ò    Teacher should continue to remind students about what is expected in the final assessment.

ò    Teacher should check individuals weekly during informal assessments to determine which students need more support in mastering this standard.





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